Happy Birthday,
Harum Nuraliyah a.k.a Resvan a.k.a Beruk!
Sorry ya gasempet ngerayain res, gue sama dana ga sempet ke alarm, hehe.
Singkatnya hari sabtu jam 8 maleman gue ke GI, terus dana nyusul. Cari hadiah-_-intinya dana beliin mug, gue beliin belt (awalnya gue mau kasih boneka monyet tapi pasti nanti gue ditotok T_T) terus jam 10an gue pulang, udah depresi keliling east-west sendirian (bonyok aja ampe cape wakak) cuman bawa pulang beltnya, kertas kado, sama kartu ucapan, dan sekali lagi gue pengennya ngasih kartu ucapan gambarnya monyet tapi.... gaada.
dan garagara ini semua gue bahkan ga sempet ke starbucks. fuuuu...
Oke, continued. Hari minggu dana kerumah, mau bikin kue. Hari sebelomnya gue udah bikin adonan crepe, dana bikin adonan krim. Tapi sumpah goreng crepe nya itu cobaan tersendiri. Di instruksinya disebutkan...
Assemble the cake the next day: Bring the batter to room temperature. Place a nonstick or seasoned 9-inch crepe pan over medium heat. Swab the surface with the oil, then add about 3 tablespoons batter and swirl to cover the surface. Cook until the bottom just begins to brown, about 1 minute, then carefully lift an edge and flip the crepe with your fingers. Cook on the other side for no longer than 5 seconds. Flip the crepe onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Repeat until you have 20 perfect crepes.
flip the crepe with your fingers
flip the crepe with your fingers
flip the crepe with your fingers
yeah, fingers. literally fingers. those bare, naked fingers.
Panas ibab. Jari gue sampe meeeeerah. Jadi gue pake plan B yaitu double wooden spatula plan, alias pake 2 spatula kayu. Hasilnya ga jelek kok.... *mencobameyakinkan*
Malemnya gue ngepak hadiah, cuman gaada selotip jadi gue pake selotip yang buat scrapbook-_-cuman lupa fotoin ehehe.
Skip yah. Intinya malemnya abis dia nerima hadiah dia sms gue:
"Makasih ya hadiahnya, gue udah feminin kok:p ketemuan yok"
intinya begitulah ehehehe sekali lagi hb ya beruuk{} & thanks for reading!
Labels: birthdays, random, story, unitedasskingdom