drift away
Happy Birthday,

Harum Nuraliyah a.k.a Resvan a.k.a Beruk!

Sorry ya gasempet ngerayain res, gue sama dana ga sempet ke alarm, hehe.
Singkatnya hari sabtu jam 8 maleman gue ke GI, terus dana nyusul. Cari hadiah-_-intinya dana beliin mug, gue beliin belt (awalnya gue mau kasih boneka monyet tapi pasti nanti gue ditotok T_T) terus jam 10an gue pulang, udah depresi keliling east-west sendirian (bonyok aja ampe cape wakak) cuman bawa pulang beltnya, kertas kado, sama kartu ucapan, dan sekali lagi gue pengennya ngasih kartu ucapan gambarnya monyet tapi.... gaada.

dan garagara ini semua gue bahkan ga sempet ke starbucks. fuuuu...

Oke, continued. Hari minggu dana kerumah, mau bikin kue. Hari sebelomnya gue udah bikin adonan crepe, dana bikin adonan krim. Tapi sumpah goreng crepe nya itu cobaan tersendiri. Di instruksinya disebutkan...

Assemble the cake the next day: Bring the batter to room temperature. Place a nonstick or seasoned 9-inch crepe pan over medium heat. Swab the surface with the oil, then add about 3 tablespoons batter and swirl to cover the surface. Cook until the bottom just begins to brown, about 1 minute, then carefully lift an edge and flip the crepe with your fingers. Cook on the other side for no longer than 5 seconds. Flip the crepe onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Repeat until you have 20 perfect crepes.

flip the crepe with your fingers

flip the crepe with your fingers
flip the crepe with your fingers
yeah, fingers. literally fingers. those bare, naked fingers.

Panas ibab. Jari gue sampe meeeeerah. Jadi gue pake plan B yaitu double wooden spatula plan, alias pake 2 spatula kayu. Hasilnya ga jelek kok.... *mencobameyakinkan*
Malemnya gue ngepak hadiah, cuman gaada selotip jadi gue pake selotip yang buat scrapbook-_-cuman lupa fotoin ehehe.

Skip yah. Intinya malemnya abis dia nerima hadiah dia sms gue:
"Makasih ya hadiahnya, gue udah feminin kok:p ketemuan yok"
gue, dalem hati: emang lo bisa feminin? kiamat nih ceritanya?

intinya begitulah ehehehe sekali lagi hb ya beruuk{} & thanks for reading!

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Rangkuman Photoshop Jam 2
Auto Correction (perbaikan warna dan pencahayaan pada foto)
  • Memperbaiki warna : Image > Auto Color atau Shift+Ctrl+B
  • Memperbaiki pencahayaan : Image > Auto Contrast atau Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L
  • Memperbaiki tonal warna (Photoshop CS4+) : Image > Auto Tone atau Shift+Ctrl+L
Histogram & Levels (grafik distribusi cahaya pada gambar, menggunakan 3 slider)
  • Image > Adjustments > Levels atau Ctrl+L
Curves (sama seperti Histogram & Levels namun menggunakan garis kurva)
  • Image > Adjustments > Curves atau Ctrl+M
Brightness/Contrast (versi yang lebih mudah dari Levels dan Curves)
  • Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast
Shadows/Highlights (untuk memperbaiki pencahayaan background foto yang terlalu terang dan subjek yang terlalu gelap atau sebaliknya)

  • Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights
Exposure (menentukan banyaknya cahaya yang disimpan sebuah foto)
  • Image > Adjustments > Exposure
Hue/Saturation (mengubah elemen warna tertentu atau keseluruhan elemen warna pada sebuah foto, atau bahkan memperkaya warna gambar)
  • Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation atau Ctrl+U
Color Balance (mengubah keseimbangan warna pada foto)
  • Image > Adjustments > Color Balance atau Ctrl+B
Match Color (menyesuaikan warna dan pencahayaan pada dua gambar yang berbeda)
  • Image > Adjustments > Match Color
  • Pilih salah satu gambar sebagai Source (gambar acuan)
  • Aktifkan Neutralize jika terlihat berlebihan.
Black & White (mengkonversi foto berwarna menjadi grayscale)
  • Image > Adjustments > Black & White atau Shift+Alt+Ctrl+B
Photo Filter (meniru efek filter pada lensa kamera)
  • Image > Adjustments > Photo Filter
30 people

Can you name 30 people you can think of right off the top of your head?Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 30 people.
No cheating!

1. Gita Andani Pradana
2. Dewi Nandita
3. Rainysha Deandra
4. Yasmin Meidiana
5. Anisa Priscilia
6. Srirejeki Nurannisa
7. Dewi Nandini
8. Fitri Saskia Hapsari
9. Harum 'Beruk' Nuraliyah
10. Qathrunnada Fakhrina
11. Adira Nurul Izzah
12. Sarah Fatihah Nugroho
13. Gladiola Alifa Putri
14. si unyu
15. lawannya si unyu-_-
16. 'pacar'nya si lawan
17. Tsalastya Ghassani
18. Shafa Gendis
19. Rizkia Putri Wardani
20. wakak yang biasanya gue ketawain
21. yang kemaren-_-
22. Gennara Aisha
23. Rianty Ekaputri
24. inget anty inget master bokepB-)
25. 'pacar'nya cacas
26. Saffanah
27. Radiva Nida Nabila a.k.a Modo
28. Elmira Gifta
29. Kamilah Winda
30. Azzahra Lamuri

• How did you meet 10?
- Pas rekrutmen osis._.

• What would you do if you had never met 6?
- wkwk apaya niss...

• What would you do if 20 and 15 dated?
- Wtf?

• If you could marry between 6 and 14 who will it be?
- 14<3<3

• Did you ever like 9?
- beruk kan gajelas cewe/cowo. jadi yaaa...

• Have you ever seen 4 cry?

• Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
- lesbi dong..?

• Would number 1 and 2 make a good couple?

• Describe 8:
- one word: gendut. wakakak kenyataan ya cas

• Do you like 12?
- anti lesbi tq

• Tell me something about 17:
- kalo tidur kayak pocong wkwk

• What's 7's favorite color?
- PINK! it's soooo damn obvious

• What would you do if 1 just confessed they liked you?
- nanti si cinta tangan sebelah mau dikemanain wakakak

• When was the last time you talked to number 15?
- seabad yang lalu kali

• How do you think 19 feels about you?
- gimana ki?

• What languages does 13 speak?
- alien wkwkwkwk-_-

• Who is 2 going out with?

• What grade is 16 in?
- seangkatan kok

• What is 5's favorite music?
- biasanya lagu lagu eksis lah, sisanya gatau-_-

• Would you ever date 3?
- echa kan udah sama..... gadeng bosong kwkwkw

• Is 11 single?
- Dipertanyakan

• What is 10's last name?
- Fakhrrrrina!

• Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 7?
- TIDAK.....

• Where does 18 live?
- dimana yak

• What do you think about 20?

• What is the best thing about 4?
- pinter (y)

• Is 21 hard-working?
- iya ga ya.....

• What would you like to tell 14 right now?

• How did you meet 9?
- Di kebun binatang!

• What is the best and worst thing about 2?
- asik. cuman dia cepet bosen Щ(ºДºщ)

• Are you going to know 3 forever?
- insyaAllah yesss<3

• How long have you known 26?
- dari awal kelas 8, itung sendiri-_-

• Who is 24?
- raja bokep sedunia

• Are you or did you ever date 28?
- no way men

• Do you have a crush on 27?
- kalo modo yang suka sih udah pasti wkwkwkwk

• Would you kiss 25?
- No. :&:&:&:&

• Have you hugged/kissed 22?
- peluk sih pernah

• Is 29 your bff?
- Temen biasa

• What do you hate about 23?
- apaya nty?

• What's your relationship with 30?
- Temen biasa-_-